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We do not sell businesses or business opportunities.

This is clearly stated by the seller and our T/Cs.

Terms not agreed upon in writing do not form part of the equipment sales agreement.

Full payment must be received within 30 days of initial payment failing to make such full payments shall result in the seller selling the equipment to defray the expenses. T/C’s on


NB: Everything you hear, I the seller have said is just my opinion and thoughts, and it might be wrong or incorrect. I urge you to do your own research and follow your own thoughts, mind, and actions. My success may not be your success, what has worked for me might not work for you. Any information leading up to this agreement might be wrong and may not be guaranteed by the seller. REFER TO point 2.Hereunder



  1. Starting a business or any form of business start-up is one of the riskiest forms of investment available in the Business markets and is mostly only suitable for special-driven individuals and institutions or innovators. As this is not a business or a business opportunity but only equipment sold, Skynet has warned the Purchaser of the risk involved.

  2. The possibility exists that you could sustain a substantial loss of funds and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. We at Skynet can and shall not guarantee the success of any start-up venture started with any of our equipment/ software in any way form or method. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in any materials supplied or shown

  3. Examples and testimonials in these materials supplied or shown by Skynet are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantees of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our products, their ideas, and their techniques.

  4. The success, testimonials, and other examples used are exceptional results only which are not typical of the average person and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same or similar results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying the skill set, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.

  5. Earnings and income representations made by Skynet, the owner of Skynet, the Representative, and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, "Skynet") are aspirational statements only of any earnings potential and are not guaranteed by Skynet.

  6. This is a new product and system, equipment for the Purchaser and as such, there is no history of earnings from its use.

  7. The purchaser hereby distancesSkynet/Company/any representative from any legal action that may arise from this transaction and the Purchaser takes full responsibility for the understanding of this transaction.

  8. No income or income percentage of the actual success that can or may be created shall be guaranteed in any sense whatsoever by Skynet/Company/Representative.

  9. No aspect of this or any representation towards this or any idea supplied to create any income from this equipment supplied can or shall be guaranteed by Skynet/company/representative.

  10. Skynet is in no way whatsoever involved in the conducting or operations of the Purchaser's venture.

  11. Skynet is not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions/actions and the evaluation and use of our products and services or equipment should be based on your own due diligence.

  12. You agree that Skynet is not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services or equipment.

  13. In respect of potential earnings from the venture towards the Purchaser, any income to be earned must be generated by the Purchaser and may not be guaranteed/supplied by Skynet.

  14. Skynet does not warrant that the; information, content, materials, products (including software), or services included on or otherwise made available to you through this sale; their servers; or e-mail sent from Skynet is correct or useful to the Purchaser. The Purchaser must with the Purchaser's discretion choose what is relevant for use to the Purchaser. Skynet further disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of the content of this website

  15. By viewing, using, or interacting in any manner with equipment, site, software, the information supplied including any banners, advertising, pop-ups, downloads, and as a condition of our platform or website allowing user’s lawful viewing,


  17. the user forever waives all right to claims of damage of any description due to the user’s use of the equipment, software, information, or website and based on any causal factor resulting in any possible harm, no matter how heinous or extensive, whether physical or emotional, foreseeable or unforeseeable, whether personal or business in nature.

  18. You expressly agree that your use of our equipment and services platform, and the information supplied is at your own risk.

  19. I the undersigned comprehend and understand clearly that it was explained to me by Skynet.

  20. All the aspects of signing these terms and conditions were read and understood by myself the Purchaser in full and clear conscience.

NB. Any affirmation of fact or promises:

Any affirmation of fact or promises direct, indirect, consequential, or other made by Skynet shall not be deemed to create an express warranty that the Goods, equipment, or stock shall conform to such affirmation or promise. Any descriptions, samples, and specifications concerning goods, equipment, and stock offered for sale herein are not warranted by Skynet to be accurate or complete. If a model or sample was shown to Purchaser, such model or sample was used merely to illustrate the general type and quality of goods/equipment/stock sold by Skynet and not to represent that the Goods/equipment/stock would necessarily conform to such model or sample. Any description is for the sole purpose of identifying the Goods/equipment/stock and no affirmation, promise, description, sample or model shall be deemed part of the basis of the bargain.

We recommend you ask a lawyer, accountant, or business advisor to read the paperwork before you sign.

Going Concern

  • Please be advised that this is not a going concern and was not portrayed as one (direct, indirect, consequential, or other).

  • This is sold as new equipment only with no existing client base whatsoever. 

  • This was not portrayed as a business opportunity but as equipment sold only.

  • I the undersigned comprehend and understand clearly that it was explained to me by Skynet.

  • All the aspects of signing these terms and conditions were read and understood by myself the Purchaser in full and clear conscience.


  • Please be advised this was not sold or portrayed as a business opportunity and was not portrayed as one.

  • The seller does not represent and warrant that there is a market for the goods, services, equipment, or supplies and the seller does not warrant that the buyer can earn a profit.

  • The seller does not represent that it will buy back or is likely to buy back any or all of the goods or services that the purchaser makes, produces, fabricates, modifies, or provides.

  • The seller does not represent that it will provide a sales program or marketing program to the buyer.

  • The Purchaser must clearly understand, that by signing the terms and conditions the Purchaser explicitly agrees and understands that the sale was not a business opportunity but rather equipment and software that can be used in several different applicable ways as the Purchaser sees fit.

  • Please note this is not sold or portrayed as a franchise opportunity, although the seller holds the full right to his discretion to franchise if he so sees fit. GARDING Clients, DISCLAIMER

  • Skynet Media does not guarantee or supply any contracts/clients/ new leads/ client introduction, refer future customers to your new venture, or any other business/client referrals for any income generation FUTURE OR PRESENT, this is equipment only (direct, indirect, consequential, or other). No business/referral business/clients/contracts/ may and shall be guaranteed or supplied from  Skynet in any sense whatsoever to the Purchaser.

  • The seller does not agree to provide the buyer with locations or assistance in finding locations for screens, the seller also makes no claim they'll help you line up locations, outlets, accounts, or customers or that you'll have an exclusive territory.

  • There are dozens of sales enablement tools out there, marketing and advertising are essential to any new business. Remember there are no guarantees that you will generate adequate business in any way that Skynet has shown you.

  • I the undersigned comprehend and understand clearly that it was explained to me by Skynet, that it is the Purchaser's sole responsibility to acquire clients, The Purchaser by signing this agreement agrees to the terms and conditions. 

  • The Purchaser MUST engage in their own forms/ means to acquire any clients. Skynet supplies equipment only.

  • No referral fees or bonuses shall be due, concerning purchasers' customers to Skynet.

  • Unless otherwise agreed in writing any verbal agreement if not in writing and not included in writing on this sales agreement shall not form part of the sales agreement.

  • It is your responsibility to test the market and see what works for you.

  • I the undersigned comprehend and understand clearly that it was explained to me by Skynet, that it is the Purchaser's sole responsibility to acquire clients, The Purchaser by signing this agreement agrees to the terms and conditions. 

CLIENTS LEADS LIST SUPPLIED ( please note these are non-existing clients )

  • The client leads lists supplied are purchased lead lists from a leads supply company by Skynet.

  • We cannot and shall not guarantee the accuracy of any information contained in the purchased lead list supplied.

  • There are no guarantees supplied that any clients from the leads list supplied may purchase or use your service or product.

  • The Purchaser must not rely on the leads list only and has been cautioned by Skynet to obtain/build their own client base, and client lists as well.

  • I the undersigned, comprehend, and understand clearly that it was explained to me by Skynet, it is the Purchaser's sole responsibility in acquiring clients, The Purchaser by signing this agreement agrees to the terms and conditions. 

Smart box and Skynet portal :

  • Use Skynet service strictly following such conditions as may be notified in writing by SkynetMedia  to the user from time to time; the relevant provisions of any enactment, or other competent authority;

  • a stable internet connection is needed by the customer to operate our system, a minimum 10 meg line, as well as by their respective customers where the customer is installing SkynetSmartbox

  • Skynet does not supply-Fi

  • All Smart boxes need a stable wired internet connection to operate.

  • It is recommended that a wired internet connection is used for a smart box and not a Wi-Fi connection.

verbal agreements

  • Unless otherwise agreed in writing any verbal agreement including but not limited to past, future, or present verbal agreements, if not in writing and not included in writing on this sales agreement shall not form part of the sales agreement.

EQUIPMENT / Delivery / Collection

  • Please note we do not install or set up equipment at the premises of any client.

  • Equipment is tested in front of the client on collection.


  • Skynet reserves the right at his/her sole discretion that the equipment has been tested in front of the customer that all equipment is in working order and supplied correctly as per the sale agreement, and that basic software training supplied is adequate and satisfactory to the standard of the Purchaser and up to the Purchasers' satisfaction of Information/ training needs from Skynet.

  • Skynet does not supply any further training after final training has been done on the collection of equipment, further training, and support via the Skytrain academy.

  • The Purchaser/client has been given and afforded a reasonable opportunity to examine the goods, equipment, and software to ascertain if the goods are of a type and quality reasonably contemplated in the agreement and that the goods, equipment, the software are adequate to perform such tasks as provided by Skynet, and the case of a special-order agreement, that the goods reasonably conform to “the material specifications of the special order by Skynet.

  • The company maintains a strict no-refund policy. All purchases made are final.

Equipment supplied

  • The equipment supplied might not be the same as the home studio equipment shown at the presentation, as equipment supplied may differ due to the availability, specifications, and performance of certain equipment.

  • No cancellations or refunds shall be permitted by the Purchaser under no circumstances.


  • I the Purchaser accept that the buying of this equipment was in no way forced upon me. All and any decision made was done with the full and clear understanding that the success of this opportunity will rest upon me with no warranties of any sort from Skynet.

  • I  the Purchaser understand that all demos are shown or produced by Skynetare for equipment demo only and in no way reflect that it has been produced by Skynet and does not reflect the financial income or success of this equipment sold/ or what it may be implemented for.

  • Skynet does not guarantee shown ways/applications/methods in the creation of income value with equipment.

  • Skynet media cannot guarantee your success and any/or representation shown by Skynet media can also not guarantee your success.

  • The customer acknowledges that he/she does not rely on any representations made by Skynet in regard to the goods or services or any of its qualities leading up to or during or after this agreement.

  • I the undersigned, comprehend and understand clearly that it was explained to me by Skynet,

  • The Purchaser by signing this agreement agrees to terms and conditions. 


  • The Purchaser agrees that neither Skynet nor any of his or her employees will be held liable for any negligent or innocent, being verbal or in writing misrepresentations made by Skynet.

Skynet Account Service Cancellation and Termination


  • You are solely responsible for properly canceling your service account. (This is not a fixed-term contract)

  • An email to cancel your service account is needed.

  •  A phone request is not considered a cancellation.

  • You may cancel such an agreement before the agreed expiry date by giving the supplier 20 business days' written notice.

  • If you cancel the service before the 20th the end of your current paid-up month or year, your cancellation will take effect by the end of your next paid month or year and you will not be charged again.

  • No refunds will be issued.

  • Skynet Media, in its sole discretion, has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any current or future use of the service for any reason at any time. Such termination of the service will result in the deactivation or deletion of your account or your access to your account, and the forfeiture and relinquishment of all content in your account.

  • Service cancellation does not in any way whatsoever entitle you to any kind of additional physical equipment return rights or refund rights.

  • SkynetMedia reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time. Skynet may also terminate the agreement before the expiry date if the consumer fails to remedy a material breach on his part, after having been placed on 20 business days terms to do so.

  • The supplier may impose a reasonable penalty or charge for any goods supplied, services provided, or discounts granted to the consumer in contemplation of the agreement running for its intended fixed term

  • the consumer remains liable to the supplier for amounts owed up to the date of cancellation.


Financial Advice:


  • It is not financial advice or a claim that you will also have the same financial outcomes that I (Seller)  have had.

  • Everything you read saw, or heard, on any written material, or verbally, in and at the presentation or meeting with Skynet are my (Seller) personal experiences.

  • I  (Seller) cannot create your success only you can. 

  • I  (Seller) only hope that you create something with the equipment supplied and also read success stories and e-books and take away from it something that will change your life forever.

  • I ( Seller)  only hope to inspire you to strive to achieve financial freedom.

  • The Seller supplies the following assistance in the form of audiobooks, Academy SKYTRAIN site, with regards to helping the Purchaser with his or her future venture.

  • Seller does not provide specialized or physical training only basic training on the software programs supplied to any operator or individual who purchases or is going to operate the equipment.

  • The Seller does not assume any responsibility for consequential damages direct, indirect, consequential, or other, to personnel, equipment, expenses, or loss of revenue or property, inconvenience, or interruption in operation experienced by the customer due to any advice that may have been misunderstood by the Purchaser as financial advice in the purchase of such equipment.


  • As a result of our CMS updates, We will endeavor to make as much information available as possible, in the form of a training academy site with videos, manuals, and other links available to the Purchaser.

  • Please note business ideas are not the same as business opportunities.

  • Please note the seller makes no earnings claim, and the academy may contain information or claims from third parties, such claims shall hold no reference whatsoever to the seller. These third parties are not affiliated with the seller in any way or form.

  • Only Basic training is supplied in the form of equipment operation to the purchaser.

  • By signing these terms and conditions the Purchaser agrees that the Purchaser is completely satisfied with the video and such training included.



  • Damage by negligence, accident, act of God, mishandling, or it has been operated incorrectly to the various instructions described by the manufacturer/ Skynet. 

  • Altered or repaired direct, indirect, consequential, or other by other than the Manufacturer.

  • Any adaptations or accessories other than those manufactured or provided by the Manufacturer have been made or attached/attempted to be attached or altered to the equipment, which, in the sole determination of the Manufacturer, shall have affected the performance, safety, or reliability of the equipment.

  • The original serial number or packaging has been modified or removed.

  • NO OTHER WARRANTY direct, indirect, consequential, or other, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE, APPLIES TO THE PRODUCT, nor is any person or company authorized to assume any warranty for the Manufacturer or any other liability in connection with the sale of the Manufacturer's products.

  • Skynet does not assume any responsibility for consequential damages direct, indirect, consequential, or other, to personnel, equipment, expenses, loss of revenue or property, inconvenience, or interruption in operation experienced by the customer due to a malfunction in the purchased equipment.

  • No warranty service performed on any product shall extend the applicable warranty period. In case of unsatisfactory operation, the purchaser shall promptly notify Skynet in writing, giving full particulars direct, indirect, consequential, or other as to the defects or unsatisfactory operation.

  • Upon receipt of such notice, Skynet will give instructions regarding the shipment of the equipment at the cost of the Purchaser as the warranty has a return to base condition or such other matters as it elects to honor this warranty as above provided.

  • This warranty does not cover damage to the equipment direct, indirect, consequential, or other during shipping from or to Skynet's premises, and Skynet assumes no responsibility for such damage direct, indirect, consequential, or other.

  • This warranty extends only to the original purchaser and is not assignable or transferable.

  • Skynet has the full and clear right to deny the acceptance of direct, indirect, consequential, or other of any equipment, at Skynet's premises if Skynet suspects any of the above-mentioned terms and conditions specified in the terms and conditions



  • The Purchaser expressly agrees as a condition of its purchase of the goods that it will indemnify and hold harmless Skynet, its agents, servants, and employees, from any claims that may arise hereafter at any time be asserted by any subsequent owner, purchaser, or user of the goods or by any third party arising from any purported defect(s) in the goods or because of the use of the goods.

  • Such indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, attorneys' fees and/or legal expenses relating to such claims.

  • The Purchaser agrees to assume all responsibility in connection with the goods upon delivery thereof to the Purchaser or to a common carrier, whichever occurs first.

  • The Purchaser shall indemnify and hold harmless Skynet, its agents, servants and its employees, from and against any and all losses, expenses, demands, and claims made against Skynet, its agents, servants and its employees by the Purchaser, any agent, servant or employee of the Purchaser, any subsequent Purchaser, any agent, servant or employee of a subsequent Purchaser, any lesser or lessee, or any other person because of injury or illness or alleged injury or illness (including death) or damage, actual or alleged, whether by the sole negligence of Skynet, the concurrent negligence of Skynet with the Purchaser, any agent, servant, or employee of the Purchaser, any subsequent purchaser, any agent, servant or employee of any subsequent purchaser, any lesser or lessee, any agent, servant or employee of any lesser or lessee, or any other person, arising out of, resulting from, or in any way connected with, the operation, maintenance, possession, use, transportation or disposition of the goods, including that caused by hazardous chemicals or other hazardous materials on or in them, or of the possession, operation, maintenance, transportation, use or disposition of the goods by subsequent purchasers, lessons, owners, lessees or any other person, including that caused by hazardous chemicals or other hazardous materials on or in the goods. Such indemnification includes but is not limited to, all attorney's fees and legal expenses relating to such claims. The Purchaser agrees to defend at its own expense any suit, action, or cause of action brought against Skynet, its agents, servants, or employees based on any such alleged injury, illness, or damage, and to pay all damages awarded therein





  • The monthly CLOUD SKYNET DIGITAL MARKETING SOFTWARE license IS R199 plus VAT per month per Digital Smart Box Unit.

  • The Smart Box Unit cannot be activated individually and they are registered as a package account per month.

  • There is no daily charge for a media box or cloud license only monthly.

  • Skynet will do its utmost best to ensure your media system is online at all times, but we cannot guarantee downtime due to unforeseen circumstances out of our control. 


If the monthly amount is not paid per month after the debit order has been registered with the supplied account details, then the following will automatically take effect:


  • You will receive a payment reminder e-mail for such payment from the Skynet accounts department to pay within 7 days of failure to pay.

  • Skynet debit order system shall attempt automatically to debit the failed amount from the supplied account within 7 days.

  • The success of payment shall affect your account or players.

  • Payment failure shall result in the account being deleted and reactivation shall be needed. Please see "reinstating your account

  • You need to return to base relevant players affected by non-payment and have them reprogrammed with new access codes


  • Player prices are R 3650.00 plus VAT each ( subject to change) Bulk Discount is available

  • To be safe price is to be quoted on the day of order because of the exchange rate and availability.

  • All Skynet Players are prepared and coded by Skynet.

  • Players cannot work without Coding from Skynet.

  • The Player needs Memory cards as supplied by Skynet to operate.

  • Players must have an internet connection to function with new updates at all times.

SKYNETMEDIA  reserves the right to:

  • Improve or alter software and service as it deems, in its sole discretion appropriate, provided that such changes do not substantially change the nature of the website and/or the service

  • And to suspend the operation of the service in SKYNET MEDIA ’S opinion if the Purchaser is abusing the program and/or service or detracted from its intended purpose.


Force Majure(including but not limited to any PANDEMIC)


  • The supply of equipment process - unless FORCE MAJEURE, note Skynet's ability to ship the Goods may be affected in case of an act of force majeure, such as an act of God, pandemic, war, sabotage, accidents, riots, fire, explosion, flood, strike, lockout, injunction, inability to obtain fuel, power, raw materials, labor, containers or transportation facilities, accident, breakage of machinery or apparatus, national defense requirements, or any other cause beyond the control of Skynet including but not limited to suppliers supplying wrong parts, stock, equipment, tools, specs for Skynet to successfully finish and or manufacture said equipment for Purchaser. Skynet shall have no liability for the failure to ship or deliver goods in the event of such force majeure and Skynet's obligation to complete the delivery of Goods shall be suspended during such force majeure event and for a reasonable period thereafter; provided, however, that these Terms and Conditions shall otherwise remain in effect, it may take 12-16 weeks from date of full payment and not the date of the deposit paid. The client may under no circumstances cancel nor demand any deposit or money paid back as a refund because of such act if and not limited to the supply process taking longer than 16 weeks. 



  • Skynet makes no representation or warranty, express, or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any other matter concerning the goods or equipment supplied. Warranties direct, indirect, consequential, or other towards equipment/stock supplied will be limited by the suppliers of the equipment or stock as Skynet supplies no a limited return to base warranty towards any goods/equipment/stock supplied.

  • Skynet makes no other representation or warranty, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any other matter concerning the goods/equipment/stock sold/supplied. In no event shall Skynet be responsible for incidental, special, or consequential damages, shipping costs, or lost profits, relating to the goods/equipment/stock, whether alleged in contract, warranty,(including negligence), or otherwise.

  • Skynet warrants to the purchaser that goods/equipment sold hereunder is free from defects in design, material, or workmanship for the period indicated on Skynet's final, written offer. The Purchaser has tested the goods directly, indirect, consequential, or other on receiving the goods from Skynet.

  • Concerning any parts sold separately under this agreement, the purchaser’s guarantee will be in the same conditions.  No waiver, alteration, or modification of the foregoing warranty direct, indirect, consequential, or other shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by a duly authorized employee of Skynet.

The warranties are subject to the following conditions:

  • The goods in question must be approved for return by Skynet, returned intact, in original boxed material to Skynet's premises within 14 days, freight prepaid, and securely packed to avoid damage, for repair or replacement of the defective part(s).

  • The goods must have been transported, operated, and maintained properly. Failure to do so will void the warranty from any supplier.

  • The defects were not, in Skynet's opinion, caused by accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, or deterioration due to erosion, corrosion, or chemical action.

  • The Purchaser notifies Skynet/supplier of the alleged defect in writing, promptly after the Purchaser learns, or should learn, of such defect. No alleged defect will be accepted if not in writing from the purchaser.

  • The warranty is limited to repair or replacement of the defective part at Skynet's sole option and discretion.

  • Notwithstanding any other provision of these terms and conditions, components or parts not manufactured by the suppliers are warranted only to the extent of the manufacturer's original warranty.

  • The warranty provided herein excludes wearing parts.

  • The warranty provided herein is null and void direct, indirect, consequential, or other if the Purchaser does not pay Skynet’s asking selling price in full.


Billing Inquiries

  • For billing inquiries, or to request a detailed statement of your usage, contact us at

  • The company reserves the right, at any time, to change its fees and billing methods, including the addition of supplemental fees or separate charges for any usage areas, content, premium subscriptions, or services provided by the company or its affiliates. The company may also elect, at its discretion, to supplement such notice of billing charges through pop-ups, email, member inbox on-site, through the mail to the account holder, or by any other means deemed reasonable by the company.


Goods Inspection

  • Skynet strongly recommends and urges that the purchaser inspect the goods, equipment, stock,  sold, or supplied hereunder.

  • Skynet shall not be responsible for the consequences of the purchaser's failure to inspect the goods, equipment, stock, or any inaccuracies, insufficiencies, or omissions in such descriptions, samples, and or specifications.

  • The employees or representatives of Skynet are not authorized to make any statement or representation as to the quality, character, size, condition, quantity, etc. Of the goods, the equipment offered for sale is inconsistent with these terms and conditions. Any such statements made will not be binding on Skynet or be grounds for any subsequent claim.

  • By signing the terms and conditions the purchaser confirms that the purchaser has inspected the goods, stock, and equipment on collection from Skynet premises, or other collection address supplied by Skynet and hereby acknowledges that Skynet invited, urged, and cautioned the purchaser to inspect the goods and purchaser declined to examine the same. The purchaser accepts the goods, and equipment to be in acceptance to a satisfactory standard.

System Duplication

The Purchaser, family, friends, close relatives, partners direct, indirect, consequential, or other may under no circumstances resell, manufacture, duplicate, create, direct, indirect, consequential, or other in any form whatsoever, produce a similar system as supplied by Skynet.



  • Purchaser is warned and acknowledges that such Goods mayor may not bear or contain hazardous chemicals or other hazardous materials which may be or may become, by chemical reaction or otherwise, directly or indirectly hazardous to life, health, or property (because of toxicity, flammability, explosiveness or for other similar or different reasons during use, handling, cleaning, reconditioning, disposal or at any other time after the article leaves the possession and control of Skynet).

  •  Purchaser does hereby discharge Skynet from any liability directly or indirectly resulting from the presence of the aforesaid chemicals or materials, including and not limited to any liability directly or indirectly resulting from the failure of Skynet to give more specific warning concerning individual articles or substances or from the inadequacy of any warning.


  • If Skynet can repair said equipment the no refund/exchange/return policy on all and/or any including but not limited to Materials or equipment or stock built to order and are not subject to return for credit under any circumstances. Materials or equipment are not to be returned to Skynet without first obtaining the written permission of Skynet and to the full discretion of acceptance by Skynet.

  • All such returned material must be in the same condition as it was when supplied, in original undamaged packaging with original boxes.

  • Materials and/or equipment accepted by Skynet for repair are subject to a minimum service charge of 25% plus all transportation charges and interest from the date of purchase. Any materials or equipment authorized for return must be securely packed to reach Skynet without damage.



  • Unless otherwise agreed in writing Skynet's liability concerning Goods/equipment direct, indirect, consequential, or other to Purchaser shall be limited to Purchaser and by Skynet’s full discretion(I) concerning Goods/Equipment/Stock returned to and accepted by Skynet or (ii) concerning Goods/equipment/Stock ordered In no event shall Skynet be liable for incidental, special, or consequential damages, lost profits, or any expenses of Purchaser, including, but not limited to, shipping costs. Excluding any equipment build-on order referring to equipment compiled and supplied.

No refund/exchange policy

  • If Skynet can repair said equipment it is agreed upon by Skynet and the buyer that a no refund/ exchange policy on all and/or any including but not limited to Materials or equipment or stock built to order and are to be subject to no return for credit or refund policy under any circumstances

Alleged Damages :

  • Skynet shall not be liable for any alleged damages caused by or resulting from the repairs or modifications in any way whatsoever. 

  • Skynet gives no warranty, express or implied, as to the quality, merchantability, workmanship, or any other matter concerning any such repairs or modifications. All repairs/alterations must conform to suppliers' conditions.

  • Skynet has a return to base repair policy only with written consent from Skynet, This means the purchaser agrees that the purchaser at their own cost the purchaser shall return only with full written permission from Skynet the equipment in mention to Skynet’s premises, this is for the purchaser's own account. Once repairs have been done the purchaser will on their account arrange for pickup/collection of such mentioned equipment.


  • If any provision of the invoice or these Terms and Conditions is determined illegal or unenforceable, it shall not affect the enforceability of any other provision or paragraph of the invoice or these Terms and Conditions.



  • The Purchaser expressly agrees as a condition of its purchase of the goods that it will direct, indirect, consequential, or other indemnify and hold harmless Skynet, its agents, servants, and employees, from any claims that may hereafter at any time be asserted by any subsequent owner, purchaser or user of the goods or by any third party arising from any purported defect(s) in the goods or by reason of the use of the goods. Such indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, attorneys' fees and/or legal expenses relating to such claims. The Purchaser agrees to assume all responsibility in connection with the goods upon delivery thereof to the Purchaser or to a common carrier, whichever occurs first. The Purchaser shall direct, indirect, consequential, or other indemnify and hold harmless Skynet, its agents, servants and its employees, from and against any and all losses, expenses, demands, and claims made against Skynet, its agents, servants and its employees by the Purchaser, any agent, servant or employee of the Purchaser, any subsequent Purchaser, any agent, servant or employee of a subsequent Purchaser, any lesser or lessee, or any other person because of injury or illness or alleged injury or illness (including death) or damage, actual or alleged, whether by the sole negligence of Skynet, the concurrent negligence of Skynet with the Purchaser, any agent, servant, or employee of the Purchaser, any subsequent purchaser, any agent, servant or employee of any subsequent purchaser, any lesser or lessee, any agent, servant or employee of any lesser or lessee, or any other person, arising out of, resulting from, or in any way connected with, the operation, maintenance, possession, use, transportation or disposition of the goods, including that caused by hazardous chemicals or other hazardous materials on or in them, or of the possession, operation, maintenance, transportation, use or disposition of the goods by subsequent purchasers, lessons, owners, lessees or any other person, including that caused by hazardous chemicals or other hazardous materials on or in the goods. Such indemnification includes but is not limited to, all attorney's fees and legal expenses relating to such claims. The Purchaser agrees to defend at its own expense any suit, action, or cause of action brought against Skynet, its agents, servants, or employees based on any such alleged injury, illness, or damage, and to pay all damages awarded therein.

Suitable agreement :

  • The purchaser hereby agrees that the equipment supplied is suitable for the application intended.


Adding Monitors

  • Adding monitors must be activated by the head office of Skynet, the customer must send an email and sign a debit order before the units can be activated by Skynet.


  • Skynet reserves the right to terminate any Accounts arbitrarily. We also reserve the right to deny service for accounts and users deemed as fraudulent or otherwise high-risk Accounts. Processing is at our discretion for refunds for claims of fraud and/or disputes via email, with support

CopyRights :

  • The Purchaser acknowledges direct, indirect, consequential, or other all copyrights and shall not copy or duplicate any copyrighted material, and shall indemnify Skynet against any claims, costs, and expenses arising out of the usage of the equipment or services supplied or rendered.


Entire agreement :

  • The Purchaser agrees that this sales agreement represents the entire agreement between Skynet and the Purchaser.  The signatory hereby binds himself or herself in his or her personal capacity as director (in case of a company), member (in case of a close corporation), or other owner or partner of the customer as co-principal of signing this document.

Representations made :

  • The Purchaser acknowledges that he or she does not rely directly, indirectly, consequential, or other on any representations made by Skynet in regard to the goods or services, income potential, or any of its qualities leading up to during, or after this agreement

Referral business/ clients from Skynet:

  • No ongoing referral clients to the Purchaser from Skynet business may be guaranteed from Skynet towards the purchaser in respect of potential clients or earnings from ongoing business referrals,  towards the purchaser; any income to be earned must be generated by the Purchaser and may not be guaranteed by Skynet. As this is only an equipment sale.

  • The seller does not agree to provide the buyer with locations or assistance in finding locations for screens, the seller also makes no claim they'll help you line up locations, outlets, accounts, or customers or that you'll have an exclusive territory.

Upgrading Equipment :

  • Upgrading of any equipment directly, indirect, consequential, or other to a better quality/ different parts will be for the Purchaser's own account

Correct Equipment :

  • The equipment supplied might not be the same as the equipment shown, as the equipment supplied may differ due to the availability of certain equipment/parts. This is the purchaser's responsibility to check this. By signing this agreement the purchaser acknowledges the correct equipment.

  • It is the sole responsibility of direct, indirect, consequential, or other of purchaser to determine that the goods or services ordered are suitable for the purpose intended use, and hereby signing this document acknowledges that all conditions have been met.


Misrepresentations :

  • The Purchaser agrees that neither Skynet nor any of his or her employees or represented direct, indirect, consequential, or others will be held liable for any negligent or innocent verbal or in-writing misrepresentations made to Skynet.

Package compilation :

  • The purchaser, close relatives, friends, or any person that may be affiliated directly or indirectly with the purchaser may under no circumstances compile the same or similar type of packages, machines, or equipment for resale purposes, or market such packages, machines, equipment on any or all sales platforms online or offline, under any circumstances whatsoever, and all documents, DVD, CD’S, information, intellectual information supplied are of Skynet’s copyrighted material.

  • Skynet is not bound or restricted in any way so even if Skynet wants, or needs to compile the same or similar type of packages, or equipment, set up for resale purposes on any marketing platform Skynet chooses. This right is 100% at the discretion of Skynet and does in no way whatsoever limit Skynet in any form or way whatsoever not to compiling or selling similar systems, for resale purposes.

  • Skynet may at his or her discretion advertise any other equipment, or packages in any form, or the way he or she feels adequate and on any platform at Skynet's discretion as he or she feels fitto do.

  • The Purchaser hereby agrees to this term and condition and acknowledges to Skynet that Skynet may keep the Purchaser as well as close relatives, friends, family,  associates, or any other person included but not limited to that may be affiliated directly or indirectly to the Purchaser legally liable for any loss and or damages.

  • Skynet may Franchise the system if needed.

Conflict terms:

  • No terms and conditions put forward by the purchaser in conflict with these terms and conditions shall be incorporated into the Contract unless separately agreed in writing and signed by Skynet and the purchaser.



  • No addition to, variation, or agreed cancellation of this agreement, this clause or any of the annexures hereto shall be of any force or effect unless in writing and signed by or on behalf of the parties.




  • No waiver of any of the terms and conditions of this agreement will be binding for any purpose unless expressed in writing and signed by the party giving the same, and any such waiver will be effective only in the specific instance and for the purpose given.  No failure or delay on the part of either party in exercising any right, power, or privilege will operate as a waiver, nor will any single or partial exercise of any right, power, or privilege preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege.

Product Descriptions

  • The Company and Skynet attempt to be as accurate as possible.

  • However, the Company does not warrant that product description or other content supplied or shown is accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free.

  • If a product offered by the Company itself is as described, your sole legal obligation is by signing the terms and conditions you agree that all products are to your satisfactory condition and acceptable to you the Purchaser.


The PURCHASER shall not at any time AFTER TERMINATION OF SERVICE FROM SKYNET for a duration of 3 YEARS from the date of termination of this agreement, whether directly or indirectly, utilize the same or similar service or product of any other service provider other than SKYNET.

No Guaranteed Earnings and no Refunds

  • NB: The seller makes no guarantee that the buyer will, is likely to, or can earn an amount in excess of the initial payment paid by the buyer for the rights under the agreement or that there's a market present for the product or service.

  • It is a condition of sale that the seller shall not refund all or a part of the price paid for the equipment sold if the buyer is unsatisfied with the sale of the equipment.

  • The buyer is in no way obligated to buy any future products or services developed by the seller-licenser.


Registered Smartbox

Please note your first Smartbox that is registered must also be paid monthly, there are no free Smartboxunits

SYSTEM CRASH/ BACKUP/ANTI-VIRUS( Customer must have his own anti-virus program)

  • Please note If we have to reinstall the complete system with all the programs a minimum charge of R5500 depending on the severability of the problem shall be charged, and payable upfront. Any hardware replacements shall be quoted accordingly this is not carried under the guarantee.

  • We are not responsible and can not control a PC crashed with bluescreen, we also recommend you back up your hard drive and system image regularly as our Skynet system does not make or keep backups of any work or productions you may have done on your software or system online or offline.

  • We recommend an anti-virus program like Kasperski. Please note we do not endorse any antivirus program.

  • Microsoft updates may damage your media computer system.



The simple answer is no. There is no guarantee that you will make money as Nobody can guarantee you that you will make money. The seller can only supply you with ideas and some software and hardware to assist you in a  direction, But it is important to remember that this is an equipment sale only. Your success is in your own hands and not up to the seller to make you successful. There are no guarantees from the seller that potential customers may buy or use your service. The buyer acknowledges the same and understands the sale was not based on such a condition of sale.

As a potential equipment owner, you must realize that you are neither a partner in a business nor engaged in a joint venture with the seller's business. This is your equipment and must be used in conjunction with the seller's terms of use. Skynet’s clients may not be approached or contacted in any form or way by the buyer or representative, family, or friends. The buyer acknowledges that the buyer will be held responsible for any claims or damage related to such actions. The buyer acknowledges the same and understands the sale was not based on such a condition of sale.

DISCLAIMER: This is not a get-rich-quick program nor do we believe in overnight success. We believe in hard work, integrity, and you developing your skills if you want to earn more financially. As stipulated by law, we cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our Hardware or Software. The average person who buys any “how-to” information gets little to no results. These references are real and documented but are used in this sale strictly for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. Starting a new business you will incur expenses, losses, taxes, uncertainty, stress, and risk. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please feel free to exit and not sign our terms and conditions immediately.

Ownership of intellectual property

 Please note you may not duplicate, copy, or reuse any portion, sell, license, lease, publish, display (publicly or otherwise), distribute, or otherwise transfer or by any means make available -either directly or via another reseller- to a third party of the Services.

Knowingly access, store, distribute, or transmit any viruses or any material during its use of the Services that is unlawful, harmful, defamatory, infringing, facilitates illegal activity, depicts sexually explicit images, and/or causes damage or injury to any person or property. Without prejudice to any other Skynet rights and remedies, Skynet reserves the right, without liability to the Customer, to disable Customer’s access to any material that breaches the restriction provisions of this clause. Supplier (including any of its Assignors) retains all Intellectual Property Rights in and to the Software, the Portal, the Services, and their respective components, including the source code, Documentation, appearance, structure, organization, preparatory design material, and all other elements of the Services (“Materials”). All Materials in the Services (including proprietary pre-formatted Layout signage templates) are the property of the Supplier or its third-party licensors. Other than the right to use the Services, nothing in this Agreement grants Customer any right in the Services. Supplier reserves all rights to the Materials not granted expressly in this Agreement. Customer may not transfer for value or use the Services (including Materials) for any commercial -or otherwise- purpose other than that described in this Agreement. This is an equipment sale only. The ownership transfer of Skynet branded Software is not included as a sale item but only as a limited usage agreement from the supplier ( Skynet). The intellectual property rights and trademarks remain with the supplier.

Customer Content

Certain features of the Services permit users to upload content to the Services, including messages, reviews, photos, video, images, folders, data, text, and other types of works (“Customer Content”) and to publish Customer Content. You retain any copyright and other proprietary rights that you may hold in the Customer Content that you post to the Services

Customer Content Representations and Warranties.

Supplier disclaims any and all liability in connection with Customer Content. You are solely responsible for your Customer Content and the consequences of providing Customer Content via the Services. By providing Customer Content via the Services, you affirm, represent, and warrant to us that:

(a) you are the creator and owner of the Customer Content, or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to authorize Supplier and users of the Services to use and distribute your Customer Content as necessary to exercise the licenses granted by you in this Section, in the manner contemplated by Supplier, the Services, and this Agreement;

(b) your Customer Content, and the use of your Customer Content as contemplated by this Agreement, does not and will not: (i) infringe, violate, or misappropriate any third-party right, including intellectual property rights; (ii) slander, defame, libel, or invade the right of privacy, publicity or other property rights of any other person; or (iii) cause Supplier to violate any law or regulation; and

(c) your Customer Content could not be deemed by a reasonable person to be objectionable, profane, indecent, pornographic, harassing, threatening, embarrassing, hateful, or otherwise inappropriate.

Customer Content Disclaimer. We are under no obligation to edit or control Customer Content that you or other users post or publish, and will not be in any way responsible or liable for Customer Content. Supplier may, however, at any time and without prior notice, screen, remove, edit, or block any Customer Content that in Supplier’s sole judgment violates this Agreement or is otherwise objectionable. You agree to waive, and do waive, any legal or equitable right or remedy you have or may have against Supplier with respect to Customer Content. If notified by a user or content owner that Customer Content allegedly does not conform to this Agreement, we may investigate the allegation and determine in our sole discretion whether to remove the Customer Content, which we reserve the right to do at any time and without notice. For clarity, the Supplier does not permit copyright-infringing activities on the Services.

Monitoring Content.

Supplier does not control and does not have any obligation to monitor: (a) Customer Content; (b) any content made available by third parties; or (c) the use of the Services by its users. You acknowledge and agree that Supplier reserves the right to, and may from time to time, monitor any and all information transmitted or received through the Services for operational and other purposes.


We do not sell businesses or business opportunities.

This is clearly stated by the seller and our T/Cs

Terms not agreed upon in writing do not form part of the equipment sales agreement.


We have new features every month


We stay ahead of everybody by adding new stunning features to our Software every month. 





Our Leading Display Technology has everything you need in one perfect place




Our Software and links will amaze you, and supply you and your customers with that amazing experience.




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